Tuesday, October 7, 2014

10/7 Prompt

Write about something special that belongs to your mother. Why is it special to her? How long has she had it? Why does she keep it? Where does she keep it?

My mother has a green ceramic kitten that belonged to her aunt who is now deceased. The cat is special to her because she was allowed to have one thing from her aunt's home and that is the item she chose. She's probably had the kitten for about thirty five years now. She keeps it because it is special to her because it reminds her of her aunt who she liked a lot. She keeps it on a high shelf so that nobody accidentally breaks it. If it were on a table for example, it could be bumped off by a child and ruined. She is sure to carefully wrap and protect it while moving, which we've done on over ten occasions since I've been alive. If my mother was to pass on before I do (doubtful but and not something I'd welcome) I would make sure that I also kept track of it and kept that kitten safe for whoever among my brothers is unlucky enough to start another generation.

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