Thursday, October 16, 2014

Six People Prompt

List six people you know (first names only) who interest you enough to write about them. Write what you find interesting about them. List some characteristics of their personalities and describe what they look like.

The first is Larry, who is a short redneck that hunts out of season and fishes with dynamite.

The second is Bob who is a slightly taller guy than Larry, but fatter and is always being accused of abusing children because he has a mustache and drives a windowless van.

The third is known as "Bruce" because he's a small Asian man that is into martial arts. The truth is nobody knows him name for sure and we suspect he might have killed a few people in the past.

The fourth is named George and he's a somewhat Hispanic fella, who is actually named Jorge. He works for a landscaping company, oddly enough.

The fifth is a lady named chastity who works at the local strip club on the day shift. She used to work nights, the prime spot, but meth use has thinned her hair a bit.

Finally the sixth is name John and appropriate to his name, he enjoys the company of ladies of the night. John is balding and has been divorced three times, probably due to his cheating and heavy drinking.

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