Thursday, October 23, 2014

Description of a Person Prompt

Take a look at the people on this link:
Choose one and freewrite about that person. Give that person a name and describe what he/she looks like. Where did he/she come from, describe college, job, family, likes and dislikes. What are some of his/her goals and what problem are they facing right now?

The African American man in the wheelchair:

His name is Albert Robinson. He is a slightly overweight man in his 30's and uses a wheelchair. He was born in Atlanta and had a single mother who raised him and his three brothers. He played football in high school, during which he broke his left femur, which led to him using a wheelchair to get around for a few months. He discovered that rolling around was more fun and less strenuous than walking. He now uses the wheelchair to this day because he is lazy and also doesn't want to alienate all of his adult friends that he's told that he is crippled. The reason he feels that he can't stand from the chair now is because he has had them do such things as carry him, push him through malls, and drive him around town. The lies began when he started college and took advantage of nobody knowing his life's story and his ability to define himself again. From there he got his degree in accounting, but hasn't been able to stop perpetuating the lie that his legs are inoperable. It was appealing at times, especially at bars and parties when he would get sympathy from girls and reap the benefits of that pity. The biggest problem besides losing his friends when they find out the truth is the growing mass of sores covering his ever enlarging buttocks. They are starting to smell and leak, which he dislikes and has led to a lull in his love life. His family has abandoned him because they know about his use of the wheelchair and think it is morally wrong. His goal would be to either heal his butt wounds and continue to be in the chair or get transferred to another office for his job, where he can have a fresh start.

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