Thursday, September 18, 2014

Death Bed Prompt

You’re very old. You’re on your deathbed. (Sorry.) Family and friends gather around you. What do you tell them about life? What advice about living do you offer them? Spill a few pearls of wisdom from your experience.

"Well the end of my life is near. It's been an interesting adventure, but its time to head home. I didn't exist before I was born and won't exist when I pass. Life is nothing but a game, existence is a joke with death as the punchline. Don't miss me when I die, because I won't be missing you.

Its not that I don't love any of you, it is simply that I don't have a reason to believe I'll have the capacity to miss, regret, or even be proud.

While you still have life left, go out and enjoy it. Death will come for certain, so there is no point sitting around waiting for it. Nobody is going to give you everything you want. Most will try to stop you from attaining it. You have to decide each morning that you deserve what you want and then go out there and seize it.

There is no point having pity for yourself or crying. They don't change anything. when the tears dry you'll still be in the same shitty situation as you were when you started. Don't be a bitch. Yes life can be tough, but there is no way to change that fact. Deal with it, there are no excuses left to use.

Now f**k off I'm going to watch some porn while my heart can still pump the blood to give me a boner!"

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