Thursday, September 4, 2014

Prompt 4

Write about a picture you tore up. Who was it? How old were you? Why did you tear it up? Do you still feel the same way?

I've never torn a photo apart.

The most famous picture tearing is probably Shinade O'Connor(however you spell her name) ripping a photo of Pope John Paul the 2nd on Saturday Night Live, back in the early nineties. It was in protest of the perceived mistreatment of protestants in Northern Ireland by the Catholics and British. Overall it really only made her look like an ass and it ruined her short career. So generally I will say that the practice of tearing photos is pointless. The act itself doesn't kill or harm the person in the picture, beyond the slight chance that their feelings might get hurt. It also doesn't undo whatever happened between you and them that caused you to take the action of tearing apart their image.

The way I approach conflict(usually) is to act like the other party isn't getting to me. I have no interest in going to jail for assault and/or battery. Sure I could get back at them by doing something passive aggressive like slashing their tires, but I think its best to move on. While I was a cheerleader here, I was verbally harassed daily either face to face or anonymously through windows or notes written on my door's white board. It might have felt good to pummel on one of them and let the anger out, but if that led to me getting kicked out of college, then they've really won. I know inside that I'm not a homosexual like they were accusing, and there isn't a way to prove them wrong besides sleeping with their girlfriends, which I have done more than a few times. Did it make them stop saying those things... No. The only way to let these things play out is to be patient. Most people who know I was a cheerleader have dropped out or graduated, so it behind me, and so is my anxiety, anger, or upset feelings.

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